Dogs Are Sensitive to Pain The bond between humans and their furry companions is a tale as old as time. These loyal, loving animals not only offer unwavering companionship but also provide a surprising array of health benefits. If you suffer from chronic pain, the simple act of hugging your dog can help ease your discomfort. This blog post will delve into the science behind this fascinating … [Read more...]
Resources section of CRPSJourney Website
The Resources section of CRPSJourney is dedicated to providing valuable information and tools to help those affected by CRPS. Whether you're a patient, a caregiver, or a loved one, you'll find a wide range of resources to help you navigate this complex condition.
Pain Scales
Why The Need for Pain Scales? Most people who suffer from CRPS will tell you they never experienced such pain before. This is because of the intense nerve pain we don't usually get exposed to for long amounts of time. Perhaps the closest is a root canal or rotten tooth in your mouth that needs extracting to illustrate the "type" of unrelenting pain. One of the main challenges becomes describing … [Read more...]